Varieties of the Foxtail Lily

Varieties of the Foxtail Lily

Lilies, also called desert candle, produce spectacular vertical points of interest in the flower-garden. Spikes up to 9-feet tall are usually densely filled with tiny flowers in shades ranging through yellow, pink, white or bronze. More than 40 species of foxtail lily (Eremurus spp.) are recognized, with several charming backyard crops included in this. Hybrids and cultivars that are named, created particularly for home gardening, make choice based on colour choice and climate suitability feasible.

Eremurus Species

Eremurus himalaicus is included by species generally accessible, from Afghanistan and the Himalayas, with massed clusters of snowy-white flowers on spires up to 8-feet tall. The E that is imposing. Robusta blooms in white or pink on flowering stalks up to 9-feet tall. E. stenophyllus (E. bungei) flowers in sunny yellow, ageing to bronze, on spikes up to 5 feet tall. E. Sogdianus flowers are carried on long stems radiating perpendicular from the 5 foot-tall stalks.

Eremurus Hybrids

Sir Michael Foster (1836-1907) made the first hybrid foxtail lilies in 1902 in Great Shelford, U.K. The Shelford hybrids are earliest and probably the most widely known of the E. X isabellinus team that is hybrid. Propagation of selected clones ultimately resulted in the 1950s. in the Dutch hybrids The most early hybridizers purposely offspring to flourish in moist, great climates that are European. Modern growers, including Ken Romrell Idaho, of Spring Valley, seek hybrids related to the authentic Asian large-desert species.

Named Types

“Cleopatra,” a Ruiter hybrid from 1956, blooms in early summer. Spires of bright orange and red flowers rise in the rosettes of grey-green leaves that can be found in in the spring. The leafless, 5 foot stalks are full of buds on the very best third; flowers progressively open in the bottom up. Cleopatra shows the obvious, glowing colours standard of the Ruiter hybrids. The white-flowered “Linedance,” orange “Rumba” and “Tap-Dance” in yellow, are contemporary Jacques Amand introductions. Nearby nursery resources and specialty on the web carry an ever-expanding assortment of both old favorites and new lilies.

Succeeding With Foxtail Lilies

Lilies achieve 14 through 16 Sunset’s Western Environment Zones 2 to-10; and 19 to 21. Provide drainage that is best for all these Asian large-desert natives. The roots rot easily, particularly when bruised or damaged. Settle the root crown just just beneath the soil surface in -winter climates; 3 to 4 inches deep in places that are colder. Builder ‘s sand in the base of the planting hole to supply drainage. Where they’re going to not be disturbed; mark planting areas, if required, throughout dormancy plant foxtail lilies. Plant in full sunshine in a area safeguarded from winds. Foxtail lilies are suited to the border where their wants are satisfied.

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