Avocado Plant Troubleshooting
The grape tree (Persea americana) grows in the warmest areas of america, including southern California and Florida and the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. But it is possible to plant the large avocado seed and grow it as a houseplant. The avocado plant doesn’t produce fruit, but it will not provide you with glossygreen leaf. Avocado plants grown indoors are susceptible to the very same problems as any other kind of houseplant.
To successfully grow an avocado plant indoors, you need to provide lots of sunshine for its success. A good place to provide high light is an east-, west- or south-facing window in which the plant receives bright, direct sunlight. The plant should be no farther than 4 feet in the window. Indoor plants that don’t receive enough sunlight can look weak and straggly. Inadequate light may also inhibit plant growth. If the avocado exhibits symptoms of inadequate sunlight, then move it into a better place; if this doesn’t help, think about other causes, such as roots that are crowded. Avocado houseplants become root-bound, which means you can repot your plant or start a new one.
Avocado plants require moist soil, so the soil surface shouldn’t be permitted to dry out; water the plant frequently. Avocado houseplants that don’t get enough water may exhibit signs such as fading or wilting foliage, or experience slow plant growth and fragile, fragile leaves. On the flip side, avocado plants can’t tolerate wet feet. Plants that become waterlogged can look weak and straggly, the plant stem might become mushy in the base, or so the plant may drop leaves. Waterlogged soil may also lead to plant death.
Indoor avocado plants rely on you to add nutrients to the soil and require normal applications of a fertilizer created for houseplants. Avocados usually have to be fed once per month. Plants that don’t get enough magnesium or iron may demonstrate yellowing between leaf veins, particularly on younger leaves. Bronze-colored leaves can be a symptom of inadequate levels of potassium or phosphorus. Plants can suffer from too much fertilizer too; these symptoms include leaf drop, slow plant growth and yellowing of leaves. Too much fertilizer may also lead to plant death.
Avocado plants require warm indoor temperatures to thrive. You ought to keep the plant within an area with daytime temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit and night temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees F. Signs your plant may not be in a warm-enough room comprise wilting or fading plants, plant fall and leaf drop. When temperatures are too warm, plant leaves may look brown round the edges. A sudden reduction of leaves may occur with any drastic change in temperature.
When growing avocado plants indoors, you have to scrutinize them for insects. Spider mites are a frequent problem. Spider mites are tiny and barely visible. These insects damage plant leaf by feeding on the content of leaves, but it requires a large infestation to demonstrate indications of stippling on leaves. You can use insecticidal soaps to help control spider mites.