The way to Landscape a Front-Door Flower Bed

The way to Landscape a Front-Door Flower Bed

Flowers near your front door welcome your guests, adding appeal and color to your home. When selecting plants for the flower bed, know your garden circumstances, from sun exposure, varying from full sun (six or more hours of light) into full shade (two hours of lighting or less), and your soil composition, utilizing a test from your nursery. Expand your flower bed with flowering plants that tolerate the conditions your front flower bed provides, creating ample color and leading guests up the walkway and steps, in case you’ve got them, into your front door.

Plant long-lived tall blossoms to make the most of the color in your garden, like Peruvian lily (Alstroemeria), that grows in a number of colors around 1 to 3 feet tall and flowers throughout the summer in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11. Plant in rich soil that receives morning sun and shade from the day.

Plant evergreen shrubs for masses of blooms to put in a vibrant punch into your front entry, particularly if your front lawn bed has a tree canopy. Plant a “Karen” azalea (Azalea x ‘Karen’ (Gable Hybrid)), for example, which thrives in rich soil with filtered sunlight in USDA zones 4 through 9.

Edge your front walkway with violets (Viola) implanted from the start of your front path to the steps leading to your door since they tolerate full sun to partial shade in USDA zones 3 through 9.

Place containers of vines on the steps next to the flower bed to continue color up to your front door, like sweet autumn clematis (Clematis terniflora), that thrives in the shade from the eaves and rises well in USDA zones 5 through 11. Supply structures in the containers to twine the sweet autumn clematis upward, leading the eye toward the front door.

Tuck in certain bulbs in fall to add seasonal color in early to mid-spring. Select bulbs that naturalize, which makes it easy to keep your front flower bed, like grape hyacinth (Muscari aucheri), that grows well in USDA zones 4 through 9.

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