What's an perfect Length to get a Bookcase Shelf?

What's an perfect Length to get a Bookcase Shelf?

Designing a new bookcase for your own house incorporates several variables, including the substances, available space, and the height and the amount of the shelves. Because books are extremely heavy, a too-long shelf may visibly sag once loaded with your book set. Based on the type and thickness of the wood utilized, a shelf may vary from 24 to 60 inches wide.

No-Sag Shelves

The ideal period for a bookcase shelf permits the maximum amount of books without sagging. When constructing a bookcase, if you are using 3/4-inch particleboard, shelves should be no more than 24 inches. Shelves made of 3/4-inch plywood ought to be less than 30 inches long. Bookshelves made of 1-inch-thick hardwood may be provided as 36 inches or 60 inches if constructed with 1 1/2-inch-thick hardwood planks.

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