Varieties of Raspberry Colored Roses
A crystal dish brimming with fresh raspberries catches the light and throws it back in rich, glowing shades of red, purple, coral and deep pink. Roses in raspberry shade shades lend a hot deliciousness to either a combined bed or formal rose garden. An abundance of raspberry roses tumbling over arbors or trellises makes a luscious garden focal feature. Raspberry roses combine especially well with jewel-toned or even pastel-colored blossoms and dark-green or silvery leaf.
Rose Color and Basics
Roses (Rosa spp.) Of all types arrive in raspberry color shades, though color descriptions are subjective and environmental influences such as light and climate can affect increased colour. Depending on quality and resolution, computer screen views and both print and digital photos also fluctuate from live color. Catalogs and nursery tags might describe raspberry-colored roses as crimson, carmine-red, coral-red, deep-pink, fuchsia, carmine-pink or purple. Rosarian and consultant Michael Marriott of David Austin Roses recommends planting rose bushes in close groups of at least three of one variety for maximum color impact. Roses succeed in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 10, depending on variety.
Shrub and Hybrid Tea Roses
All roses are technically shrubs, but rosarians refer to both modern and old rose easy-care varieties as “tree roses” when they do not easily fit into the other groups. Shrubs vary in size from 3 feet high and wide to 10 feet tall; bigger shrubs make excellent small climbers. The David Austin creation “The Endeavour” provides waves of ruffled, raspberry-colored roses on plants 4 feet high and nearly as broad. Hybrid tea rose shrubs vary in height in under 3 feet tall to over 6 feet tall. The classically shaped roses, perfect for cutting, kind separately atop long stems. The elegant “‘Olympiad,” which is regarded as a crimson rose, ranges from raspberry red through crimson. The scarlet blossoms of “Kardinal” take on rich raspberry tones in cool weather.
Floribunda and Ground Cover Roses
Profusely blooming, easy-care floribunda roses generally achieve a maximum size of 4 feet high and broad. Mass-planted floribundas make dramatic statements. “Sue Lawley” is referred to as a red-blend floribunda with its own triangular, semi-double raspberry-and-cream blossoms. “Dicky” is described as orange- or salmon-pink and with its orange reverse it looks pale raspberry in color. The richly aromatic, sole flowering “Wine and Dine” produces an excellent ground cover subject, presenting volatile, single-flowered, raspberry-vanilla colored flushes through the season on plants 3 feet high and up to 5 feet wide. A 2-foot-high-and-wide mound of ruffled, carmine-pink blossoms cover “Gladys” in repeated flushes through the season.
Miniature and Miniflora Roses
Easy-care miniature roses blossom freely during the season on shrubs which range from 6 to 24 inches high and sometimes taller. The miniature blossoms are perfectly formed, smaller versions of different roses. The single, white-centered raspberry-colored roses of “Small Artist” bring wide-eyed charm to garden beds. “Miss Flippins” flaunts tiny classic hybrid tea roses all season long in raspberry-red. “Ace of Diamonds” offers fragrant, fully double coral-red roses. Miniflora roses, such as the rich, raspberry-red “Robin Alonso,” fall between floribunda and miniature roses in flower size with the easy-care profuse flowering habits of both.