How to Paint Galvanized Steel Roofing Panels
Metal roofing panels are often made from galvanized steel since it is resistant to water damage and is highly durable to affect. Though you can leave the steel panels , a lot of people decide to paint them a shade that matches the rest exterior of this structure. Painting a galvanized steel panel roof isn’t really that distinct from painting other metallic items, but you must ensure that the surface is perfectly clean before starting the application process.
Wait till a day when no rain is anticipated and the temperature is cool. Put a ladder next to the construction and climb up it to get the roof.
Sweep off the roof using a broom to remove pine straw, leaves and surface dirt.
Identify rusty locations or flaking paint and sand them using a handheld oscillating tool with sanding attachment and medium-grit sandpaper until the surface is smooth to the touch.
Fill a bucket with 2 gallons of water along with 1/2 cup of trisodium phosphate (TSP). Scrub the surface of the metal roofing panels together with the mixture, using a long-handled wash brush to loosen stuck-on debris.
Attach a very long garden hose into a pressure washer and carry the pressure washer to the roof. Backpack washers work great for this since your hands stay free. Hold the nozzle 12 inches away from the metal roofing panels and spray them thoroughly to remove mildew or other stains.
Allow the roof to dry thoroughly, which might require one to two hours or even overnight.
Pour an exterior-grade, rust-inhibiting primer into a paint tray and apply it to every roof panel. Use a long-handled paint roller and apply primer till no portion of the alloy is observable. You might have to use a paintbrush to get in between the seams of the panels and around the screws.
Allow the primer to dry till it is no longer tacky. Follow drying times listed on this can.
Pour an exterior-grade, acrylic-based paint developed for metal into a clean paint tray. Use the paint just as you did the primer; roll the paint on the surface until the primer is no more observable.