How to Collect Dahlia Seeds Out Of Plants

How to Collect Dahlia Seeds Out Of Plants

Dahlias (Dahlia pinnata or Dahlia x hybrida) are prized because of their attractive blossoms, offered in a selection of forms and colours, and multiple possible growth habits. Though dahlias are most often propagated vegetatively by dividing the plant’s tuberous roots, as this method guarantees that the plants will offer exactly the identical desirable characteristics as the parent plant, it’s also possible to start dahlias utilizing seed. A small number of dahlia hybrids may create reliable flowers from seed and are appropriate as bedding plants; seed propagation also allows growers to experiment with dahlia breeding and attempt to produce desirable, unique specimens.

Cut the seed heads from the dalhias, leaving a few inches of stem attached to the seed go for easier treatment. Seed pods are ready for harvest once the tender, green seed pods become harder and straw-green or light tan in color but before the seeds are released from the seed pods, technically achenes.

Spread the blossom heads out on a screen or tray to dry, maintaining the screen or tray in a dry, cool location.

Rub on the dried seed pods gently between your palms to release the seeds and then separate the chaff from the seed. Hold the pods above a piece of paper or tray to catch the seeds.

Transfer the seeds into a lidded jar or envelope branded, if desired, with notes about the parent crops, seed harvest date and any other pertinent info.

Store the ends at a cool, dry place and then sow them the next growing season, if at all possible, as seeds lose their viability with time.

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