Basic Awning Cleaning and Care Tips

Basic Awning Cleaning and Care Tips

More and more homeowners are realizing the benefits of an awning. Aside from the novel aesthetics, it can provide shade and minor protection from the elements. To maximize the benefits, it’s best that you know the basics of cleaning, operating, and taking care of your awning.

The Basics of Awning Care

Sunshade Only – Retractable awnings are only used for protection against the harsh rays of the sun. Hence, don’t use them for protection against above-mild snow, rain or wind.

Water Puddles – Be sure to check for water puddles as they can stretch the fabric. You don’t want the fabric to become stretched as it can significantly reduce your awning’s longevity.

Wind Factor – Most awnings are susceptible to damage if the wind is more than 20 mph. It’s usually the retractable arms or the fabric that will sustain heavy damage if the awning is exposed to regular high-speed winds.
Frozen Dangers – It’s not advisable to use your awning during a snowy day. It’s usually the motors that will sustain damage when you retract an awning with a frozen fabric.

Operating Tips

One of the best ways to stretch the longevity of your awning is through practicing the right operating procedures.

Below are a few of the important ones:

Awning Retraction – If the winds should exceed 20 mph, then you need to retract your awning. Before you retract it, make sure you clear any debris, twigs, or leaves.
Lubrication – Awnings don’t require regular maintenance. However, it’s best that you lubricate their moving parts at least once a year. If you have a motorized awning, then the motor may need more lubricating. The best lubricant to use is a dry silicone spray. Try not to spray on the fabric when lubricating.

Steepness – Usually, you’ll have the option of adjusting the steepness of an awning. It’s best that you adjust the steepness depending on the situation. For example, if there’s drizzle, then you might want to have a steeper angle to prevent water from pooling. If the conditions are a bit windy, a shallower angle is usually better to prevent the awning from catching the wind.

Cleaning Tips

When it comes to cleaning an awning, it’s best if you have a regular schedule that’s intended only for general cleaning or deep cleaning. If you need help with this area, or you don’t want to be bothered with such, you can always hire professionals that specialize in cleaning services Phoenix cleaning.

For General Cleaning

-General cleaning should be done at least once a month.
-Hose down the awning for faster cleaning.
-Allow the awning to completely dry before retracting it.

For Deep Cleaning

-Deep cleaning should be done once every 2 – 3 years.
-Deep cleaning is largely the same with general cleaning except with more steps. This usually involves the use of a cleaning solution and a soft brush to clean the fabric.
-Don’t forget to allow the awning to completely dry before retracting it.
-Tip: You can simply schedule a professional cleaning for your house cleaning Phoenix as cleaning specialists will take care of the regular cleaning and maintenance for you.